Tailored Franchise Opportunites:

Finding the Best Fit for You

There are different options for entrepreneurs interested in opening a Little School of Music Franchise business. We will work with you to find the right match based on your level of investment and community needs.

Everything You Need to Get Started

Each Studio Model encompasses training, operational systems, floor plans, sound treatment concepts, as well as other essential materials and equipment required for school operation. Additionally, it includes a comprehensive curriculum, lesson plans, and the necessary musical instruments for delivering individual instruction, conducting group classes, leading ensembles, and organizing performances.
The Studio Model location has multiple classroom and lesson rooms designed for music instruction, ensembles, and small performances. The Studio+ Model also includes a dedicated performance facility for school and community events. You can provide even more impact and consider opening multiple locations.

Initial Investment Information

Little School of Music Favicon

Make an Impact
Open a Studio

Includes Initial Franchise Fee
Little School of Music Favicon

More Impact
Open a Studio+

Includes Initial Franchise Fee
Little School of Music Favicon

Maximum Impact
Open a 3-Pack

More information can be found in Items 5 and 12 of the FDD